Mon-Fri / 9:00 AM - 19:00 PM

About Us

At Muslim Aid in palestine Organisation, our mission is rooted in compassion, hope, and unwavering support for the people of Palestine during their most challenging times. We understand that crises and conflict have left countless families and individuals in dire need, and our commitment is to be the beacon of hope amidst these trying circumstances.

We exist to make a tangible difference in the lives of the affected and displaced people in Palestine. Our focus is on the Muslim community, but we extend our helping hand to anyone in need, regardless of their background. We recognize that crises know no borders, and our aid reaches out to all those who seek refuge and assistance.

في منظمة مساعدة المسلمين في فلسطين، تمتد مهمتنا من جذورها في الرحمة والأمل والدعم الثابت لشعب فلسطين خلال أصعب أوقاتهم. نحن ندرك أن الأزمات والصراعات تركت العديد من العائلات والأفراد في حاجة ماسة، والتزامنا هو أن نكون شعلة الأمل في وسط هذه الظروف الصعبة.

نحن موجودون لنحقق فارقاً واضحاً في حياة الأشخاص المتضررين والمشردين في فلسطين. تركز جهودنا على المجتمع المسلم، ولكننا نمد يد المساعدة لأي شخص في حاجة، بغض النظر عن خلفيتهم. ندرك أن الأزمات لا تعرف حدوداً، ومساعدتنا تصل إلى جميع الذين يبحثون عن ملجأ ومساعدة.

Sharing Goodness Is A Gift Of Humanity

Been able to give hope and put smiles on peoples faces is a satisfying feeling of fulfilment. At Aid Muslims In Crisis, we're glad to be part of humanity sharing goodness and joy to muslims around the world especially in Palestine. This is made possible through your support and donations. Thank you.

Shelter Provided
Medical Help

Immediate Relief: When disaster or conflict strikes, the urgency of immediate relief cannot be overstated. Our teams are on the ground, providing essential supplies, shelter, and medical care to those affected. We're there when it matters most, offering a lifeline of hope. Long-Term Empowerment: While we address the immediate needs, we also understand the importance of long-term sustainability. We work on programs and initiatives that provide displaced individuals with opportunities for education, vocational training, and self-sufficiency. Our goal is to help them rebuild their lives with dignity. Community Building: We're more than just a charity; we're a community of support. Our network of volunteers, donors, and partners extends worldwide. We foster a sense of belonging and solidarity among those who share our vision for a better future in Palestine.

Transparency: We believe in transparency and accountability. We ensure that every donation and resource is used effectively, and our financial records are open for scrutiny. Impact: Our work is defined by the lives we touch. We measure success by the number of people who regain hope and rebuild their lives through our assistance. Advocacy: We raise awareness about the ongoing crisis in Palestine and advocate for lasting peace and justice. We believe in a brighter future, free from conflict and suffering.

We invite you to be a part of this journey toward hope and empowerment. Whether through your generous donations, your time as a volunteer, or your voice as an advocate, your involvement makes a real difference. Together, we can transform the lives of those who have endured hardship, bringing them the hope they deserve. At Muslim Aid in palestine Organisation, we are more than just a charity; we are a source of strength, unity, and compassion. Join us in our mission to aid Muslims in crisis in Palestine and make a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most